online / digital

Training • Coaching • Teambuilding

Innovation award

This years Award for Innovation in Trainings was granted to Sarah Ertl-Pillhofer by the University of Applied Sciences for Management & Communication. 

A panel of experts selected her Training on Conflict Resolution as the winning project among all submissions. 

Sarah Ertl-Pillhofer

First-class references


talk2change Sarah Ert-Pillhofer

Sarah Ertl-Pillhofer, MAS

  • Managing Partner
  • (online) Trainer & Coach
  • University lecturer
  • Consultant (World Bank, OECD, Austrian Government,...)
Rainer Ausschnitt

Rainer Ertl-Pillhofer, MBA

  • Trainer
  • Coach
  • University lecturer
  • Digital Expert

We work with a team
of Austrian and international experts


Sarah Ertl-Pillhofer

Communication is our expertese


• 20 years of experience working with international enterprises

•  passion for people development

•  neuro-scientific teaching methods and smart transfer tools


New Trainings:

  • Presentation 4.0
  • Intercultural competence
  • Conflict Management
  • Nonverbal communication
  • Resilience & Burnout Prevention
  • Leadership- and Team Communication
  • Gender & Diversity


Bildschirmfoto 2019-07-14 um 09.56.19
Ress.Baum gut


Bild fertig

Building Teams is our passion!

Why Team Building?

Most successful leaders will attest to the importance of team building.

One of the best reasons for team building is that the implemented activities actually work to accomplish improved communication.

A successful team building activity will surely mean a more comfortable, successful workplace environment for any company, large or small.

Another powerful reasons for team building is to get results. Through a series of planned team bonding events that are fun and motivational, teams build skills like communication, planning, problem-solving and conflict resolution.

Team bonding ideas that work help facilitate long term team building through fostering genuine connections, deeper discussions and processing.


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